If you spot a sign of malfunction or trouble in your vehicle, you should visit our Mercedes-Benz service center immediately. Our team can diagnose and repair common issues, as well as order new parts if you need any replacements. Here are five signs that you should visit our Mercedes-Benz service center, courtesy of Mercedes-Benz of Jacksonville.

Check Engine Light

If the check engine light appears on your dashboard, it indicates a serious issue has occurred with your engine. Bring your vehicle in for service immediately if this light turns on.

Poor Brake Performance

Brake pads deteriorate over time, which causes your brakes to perform worse than before. Alternatively, faulty brake parts may worsen (or completely cut off) brake performance. Weak or malfunctioning brakes indicate a critical safety issue that should be fixed before you get back on the road.


You should schedule a service visit if you feel unusual vibrations while the car is in motion. This usually means your vehicle’s weight is out of balance, which can seriously strain your wheels and suspension.

Strange Noises

Have you heard any rattling, grinding, scraping, or squeaking sounds when your engine is on or when you brake? That’s probably a sign of a critical part failure in the engine or brake system. Any strange noises should be addressed ASAP.

Strange Odors

You might notice a strange smell when your engine is on. This could indicate a fluid leak or other engine issue, which could be dangerous. Bring your vehicle to our Mercedes-Benz service center immediately if you smell any unusual odors.

Visit Our Mercedes-Benz Service Center in Jacksonville, FL

Drivers in the Jacksonville, FL, area who notice any of these critical signs should visit our dealership immediately. Contact Mercedes-Benz of Jacksonville today to schedule a visit to our Mercedes-Benz service center.